
Our colleague, György Kurucz has published a new source edition, Technológiai utazás a modern kor hajnalán. Válogatás Gerics Pál és Lehrmann József georgikoni professzorok nyugat-európai jelentéseiből és naplóiból (1820–1825) (Technological Journey at the Dawn of the Modern Age – Selection from the Reports and Travel Journals of the Georgikon Professors, Pál Gerics and József Lehrmann, on Western Europe, 1820–1825). On more than 700 pages, the book navigates the reader through the two professors’ journey with the help of selected Hungarian- and German-language sources (travel instructions, the letters of Pál Gerics to László Festetics, the reports of the travellers to the Festetics estate management, including their journals). The volume has been published by the Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Hungary and L’Harmattan Publishing House.

The source publication is available here. See the author’s monograph related to the topic here.