Address: Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty of Humanities
H-1088 Budapest, Múzeum Str. 6–8., I/134.
I read history and German literature at the Faculty of Humanities, Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE) as a student of Eötvös Collegium. During my doctoral studies, I worked under the supervision of Éva H. Balázs, focusing on the outcomes and aftermath of the implementation of health reforms introduced by Maria Theresa and Joseph II as perceived through the example of midwives in the Kingdom of Hungary. I defended my doctoral thesis in 2001 and published it with the title A bába történeti szerepváltozása a tizennyolcadik századi Magyarországon. (The Changing Historical Role of Midwives in Eighteenth Century Hungary) (Budapest: Osiris, 2003.)
Relying on the results of my thesis as well as extending its period, field, and thematic framework, including the scope of research into available sources, a further elaboration of the historical changes affecting the building up of contemporary authoritative knowledge of birth in Hungary between the sixteenth and twentieth centuries was published in association with Zita Deáky entitled Minden dolgok kezdete. A születés kultúrtörténete Magyarországon (XVI–XX. század) (The Beginning of All Things. A Cultural History of Birth in Hungary, 16- 20th Centuries) (Budapest: Századvég, 2005.)
In the course of my research during the past decade, I mainly concentrated on the aspects and patterns of the cultures of medical knowledge in the eighteenth-century Habsburg Monarchy, including the practices of knowledge management, epistemology, and the circulation of scientific knowledge. I have meant to explore and present cross-disciplinary tendencies in relation to historical phenomena, discourses, personal and material conditions combining thematic registers and methodology applied in the field of humanities.
In the course of my research career, I have been granted several scholarships since 1997 (Friedrich Schiller Universität, Jena; Karl Ruprecht Universität, Heidelberg; Herzog August Bibliothek, Wolfenbüttel; Max-Planck Institut für Geschichte, Göttingen; Institut für Geschichte der Medizin in Josephinum, Vienna; Archivio di Stato die Firenze, Florence; Maison Sciences des l’Homme, Paris). I obtained my habilitation degree in 2016 and currently hold the position of associate professor at the Department of Early Modern History, Faculty of Humanities, ELTE, Budapest.
Lilla Krász