Address: Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty of Humanities
Institute of Hungarian Literature and Cultural Studies, Department of 18–19th-Century Hungarian
H-1088 Budapest, Múzeum Str. 4/A, II/213.
I am associate professor at the Institute of Hungarian Literature and Cultural Studies, Faculty of Humanities, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest. My researches focuses on the history of aesthetics, academic networks, and Neo-Latin literature in Hungary between 1750–1900. I have translated Georg Aloys Szerdahelyi’s and Johann Ludwig Schedius’s principal monographs on aesthetics of the period from Latin into Hungarian and published several monographs and papers on their oeuvres. My habilitation thesis is also concerned with the Neo-Latin aspects of the field of aesthetics with special regard to academic correspondences, knowledge transfers, didactic poetry etc. The thesis was published with the title: Teória és medialitás: a latinitás a magyarországi tudásáramlásban 1800 körül (Theory and Mediality. The Role of Latin in the Knowledge Transfer of the Kingdom of Hungary around 1800). (Budapest: Argumentum, 2015.) I am currently working on an anthology which will comprise a collection of multilingual treatises on aesthetics in Hungary between 1750–1850 and is meant to be a textual basis of an overview of the history of Hungarian aesthetics.
Piroska Vitekné Balogh